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આપનો અભીપ્રાય અને કોમેન્ટ જરુર આપજો.

email : vkvora2001@yahoo.co.in
Mobile : +91 98200 86813 (Mumbai)

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

રામ બોલો ભાઈ રામ, રામ નામ સત્ય હૈ. ભાગ બીજો.

રામ બોલો ભાઈ રામ, રામ નામ સત્ય હૈ. ભાગ બીજો.

Friday, July 26, 2013.

Prepared for  : Coalition Against Genocide.

Nanette M. Barto.
Forensic Document Examiner, CA USA 95610.

1.0  I was asked to examine a high resolution scan of three page document bearing the signatures of (દીલ્લીમાં લોકસભાના ૨૫ અને રાજ્યસભાના ૪૦ સંસદોની સહીઓ)

2.0 Basis of Opinion.

3.0  Observation.

4.) Opinion.

Based on a through analysis of the documents submitted to me, my professional expert opinion is as follows.

4.1  Using accepted principles and methods of forensic examinations, it is my opinion that the Q1-Q3 document was created in a single event and that the signatures found upon it are original/authentic wet ink signatures.

4.2 Q1-Q3 are high resolution scans in a jpeg format of the original/authentic docuement and this is based on the evidence I have provided.

5.0  Declaration and Signatures.

Attached is Appendix A, a current copy of my CV as evidence of my special knowledge, skill, experience, training and education.

Executed at Citrus Heights, California this 26th Day of July, 2013.

I declare under penalty of perjury under the Laws of this State of California that the foregoing is true and correct.

(Signature of Nanette M. Barto, QDE)


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