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Saturday, 30 August 2014

तीन छात्रों की संदेहास्पद मौत, दो शिक्षक हुए गिरफ्तार


तीन छात्रों की संदेहास्पद मौत, दो शिक्षक हुए गिरफ्तार

मुंबई। विरार इलाके में वागड गुरुकुल इंटरनेशनल स्कूल के तीन छात्रों की संदेहास्पद मौत के मामले में पुलिस ने दो शिक्षकों को गिरफ्तार किया है। शिक्षकों पर छात्रों को प्रताड़ित करने और आत्महत्या के लिए उकसाने का आरोप है। आरोपी शिक्षकों के नाम रिपुसुदन गर्द और संदीप पालव हैं। उनके खिलाफ विरार पुलिस ने बाल न्याय कानून की धारा 23 के अलावा आईपीसी की धारा 305, 324 और 34 तहत मामला दर्ज किया गया है। 

दूसरे छात्रों ने बताया कि सोमवार को आरोपी शिक्षकों ने विद्यार्थियों की बुरी तरह पिटाई की थी और कहा था कि यह आधी सजा है आधी सजा मंगलवार को दी जाएगी। दूसरे दिन भी होने वाली पिटाई से घबराए छात्र आधी रात को दीवार फांदकर हाॅस्टल से भाग निकले। हालांकि अब तक ये साफ नहीं हुआ है कि बच्चे नदी में कैसे डूबे। आशंका जताई जा रही है कि अंधेरे में भागने की कोशिश में छात्रों को नदी की गहराई का अंदाजा नहीं लगा और वे डूब गए। 
कुशाल डागा, मीत चाड़वा और प्रफुल पटेल नामक तीनों बच्चे नवीं कक्षा के विद्यार्थी थे। अभिभावकों का कहना है कि तीनों बच्चों के गाल पर एक जैसे निशान हैं इससे साफ होता है कि उनके साथ मारपीट की गई। उनका तो यह भी आरोप है कि बच्चों को भागते हुए पकड़ लिया गया था और पिटाई के बाद उनकी लाश नदी में फेंक दी गई। पिटाई का मामला सामने आने के बाद ही बुधवार को आरोपी शिक्षकों को पुलिस ने हिरासत में ले लिया था। रातभर पूछताछ के बाद गुरुवार को उन्हें गिरफ्तार कर लिया गया। पुलिस फिलहाल मामले की जांच में जुटी हुई है।


  1. .................. ..उनका तो यह भी आरोप है कि बच्चों को भागते हुए पकड़ लिया गया था और पिटाई के बाद उनकी लाश नदी में फेंक दी गई।................

  2. MUMBAI: Two teachers of Vagad Gurukul International School in Virar were arrested on Thursday for abetment of suicide of three teen students who fled from the hostel on Monday and were found dead in the nearby river.

    Sanskrit teacher Ripusudan Garg, 35, and physical training (PT) teacher Sandeep Palva, 26 have also been charged with voluntarily causing hurt for thrashing the students and common intention. Remanded in police custody till September 1, they could face the death penalty for abetment of suicide of children.

    Khushal Dagha, Meet Chhadwa and Prahul Patel, all 14 and students of Class IX, were caned on Monday for poor scores in Sanskrit. The threat of a repeat the next day is believed to have prompted the boys to scale the hostel wall and escape that night. Their bloated bodies were recovered from the Sukh river behind the school on Wednesday.

    Seven other Class IX students told police Palva had also thrashed them. The students, all residents of Mumbai, are back home and are unlikely to return to the school.

    Doctors conducting the autopsy have withheld declaring the cause of death pending a few more tests, but did not rule out foul play and said there were marks on the boys' arms to bear out the thrashing theory. The clincher now could be the dichotomy test, which will ascertain if the deaths happened due to drowning or the boys were dead before they entered the water.

    The police are interrogating all 15 teachers in the school. Students are said to have named about half a dozen, including two women, as those who caned them. The women teachers, when called to give their statements, sobbed and admitted at least six teachers, including Garg and Palva, beat the students.

    Students and parents told the police that their complaints against teachers were never attended to. Students had even marched to the office of the director with complaints, but in vain.

    Hiren Choudhary, 14, a Class IX student who is back in his Jogeshwari home, was hit in the eye by Palva last year. His parents gave a written complaint to the school authorities, but no action was taken. "Garg sir is known to go and fetch a thick wooden stick from the academic room and hit students," he told TOI.

    The students' first encounter with Palva happened at 5am when they had to be on the ground for jogging. Over the next 45 minutes, he apparently used the steel rod behind his whistle to hit those sleepy or distracted. The senior boys met Palva again between 4 and 6pm. "If our football went outside the demarcated area, we would be thrashed by PT sir," said another student who is back home.

    The students encountered Garg every day in the first half. Their doubts after a Sanskrit lecture would be answered with a thrashing for "not being attentive in while", said the student.

    The boys came home twice a year for vacation, and were not allowed to keep cellphones or call up their parents from the hostel, said the police. Cops have seized CCTV footage from the school, though students apparently told them teachers switched them off before handing out punishment.

    On Thursday, parents of all the 150 students protested outside the school gate at Sakwar village in Virar (East). They demanded action against the trustees for ignoring complaints of corporal punishment and pointed out that the mandatory parent-teacher association had not been formed by the school that started in 2004.

    School chairperson Nagji Rita did not respond to calls and SMSes. The trustees held a closed-door meeting, but no statement was issued. Palghar SP Suvez Haque said action would be taken against the trustees if found guilty.

    A team of doctors from JJ Hospital, where the autopsies were conducted, said there were visible signs of beating on the arms of the three victims. "The marks are clear. There are also contusions in the heads, but they are mostly minor. Often small knocks or bumps can cause them. In their case, it could have been caused while they fell into the creek, or in some other way which is not clear," said a doctor.

  3. गुरुकुल के लापता छात्रों के शव मिले

    Aug 28, 2014, 08.30AM IST

    रिपोर्टर, मुंबई

    वसई तालुका के सकवार गांव स्थित वांगड़ गुरुकुल के जिन तीन बच्चों के लापता होने की रिपोर्ट 25 अगस्त को दर्ज कराई गई थी, बुधवार को उनके शव सुख नदी से बरामद हुए। पुलिस ने बताया कि श्याम लखिया यकदव नामक एक ग्रामीण ने इन शवों के संबंध में पुलिस को जानकारी दी। शवों को पोस्टमॉर्टम के लिए मुंबई के जे.जे. हॉस्पिटल भेजा गया है।

    इन बच्चों के नाम एन.एस. झाडवा(14, निवासी- बी-502,महावीर दर्शन, जकारिया रोड, मालाड-प. ), त्राहुल ना.पटेल (14, निवासी-श्रीसाई सिद्धि विनायक चॉल, गोराई, बोरिवली-प.) व कुशल नीलेश डागा (14- निवासी- सीताराम निवास, शास्त्री नगर, डोंबिवली) बताए गए हैं।

  4. Two teachers held for abetment of suicide of three Virar school students
    Sandhya Nair,TNN | Aug 28, 2014, 10.49 AM IST

    MUMBAI: Two teachers of the Vagad Gurukul International School have been arrested for abetment of the suicide of three students, whose bodies were found in a river on Wednesday after they allegedly fled from the school hostel on Monday.

    The Virar police has booked the teachers under sections 305 (abetment of suicide of child), 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by dangerous weapon or means) and 34 (common intention) of the IPC. They have also been booked under section 23 (punishment for cruelty to juvenile or child) of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of the Children) Act.

    The bodies of Meet Chhadwa, Prahul Patel and Khushal Dagha were found floating in the Sukh river behind the school in Sakwar village of Virar (east). The boys had fled from the hostel on Monday night after being allegedly thrashed by their teachers. Students of the school told the police that the Sanskrit and PT teachers often hit the students.

  5. http://www.janmabhoominewspapers.com/article.aspx?site_id=1&news_id=46714


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