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Saturday, 25 October 2014

નવાકાળ, વર્ષ ૯૨, અંક ૨૨૯, મુંબઈ શુક્રવાર તારીખ ૨૪.૧૦.૨૦૧૪. સંપાદક - સૌ. જયશ્રી ખાડીલકર પાંડે. www.navakal.org, email : navakal.1923@gmail.com

નવાકાળ, વર્ષ ૯૨, અંક ૨૨૯, મુંબઈ શુક્રવાર તારીખ ૨૪.૧૦.૨૦૧૪. સંપાદક - સૌ. જયશ્રી ખાડીલકર પાંડે.  www.navakal.org, email : navakal.1923@gmail.com

રસ્તામાં કોઈ ગુજરાતી મળે અને ચીડ ચડે એવી ભાવના થઈ છે. દુર્ભાગ્યે ભાજપને મહારાષ્ટ્રની ચુંટણીમાં બહુમતી મળી નથી. ભાજપને સતા આપવા શીવસેના ભાજપના પગ પાસે આળોટે છે. દીલ્લી સામે નહીં નમીએ એવું કહેનાર શીવસેના ભાજપા આગળ પાછળ લટુડાપટુડા કરે છે. શીવાજીના સ્વાભીમાનને ધક્કો લાગેલ છે.  હવે મોટો ભાઈ કોણ તે ખબર પડશે. શીવસેનાને પાઠ ભણાવવો છે. આમંત્રણ વગર શીવસેના નેતાઓ સુભાસ દેસાઈ અને અનીલ દેસાઈ ટેકો આપવા દીલ્લી દોડી ગયા. હવે કહેતા ફરે છે કે સોમવારના ચર્ચા થશે.  સ્વાભીમાન વેંચી શીવસેના ખત્મ થશે. શીવસેના ધારાસભ્યો ભાગીદારી માટે દબાણ કરતા હશે એના કરતાં શતપતી એટલે સો ઘણું દબાણ ઔરંગઝેબના દરબારમાં શીવાજીની હાજરી વખતે હશે. શીવાજીએ કહ્યું હું રાજા છું સાતમી હરોળમાં નહીં રહું. આ એક જ વાક્યે પ્રજામાં જોશ અને જોમ ઉભો કર્યો. મૃત્યુ સુધી ઔરંગઝેબ મહારાષ્ટ્રને ન નમાવી શક્યું. અમે સ્વાભીમાનથી સામે જશું કહેનારાઓ રોજ લાચારીથી નમી નમી એક એક ડગલૂં સામે જાય છે. અરે ! એના કરતાં વીરોધપક્ષની પાટલીએ બેસવું જોઈએ !  લાચારીથી સતા કે પ્રધાનપદ મળવાથી સત્યાનાશ નીકળશે. આજે જ નક્કી કરો મહત્વનું શું છે?  (તંત્રી લેખ - મરાઠીમાંથી ગુજરાતીમાં  -  વીકેવોરા).  મુળ મરાઠી લેખ નીચે આપેલ છે.


  1. शिव सेना से गठबंधन पर महाराष्ट्र BJP तैयार नहीं
    पीटीआई| Oct 26, 2014, 01.33AM IST
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    शिव सेना बीजेपी को नहीं आ रही रासशिव सेना बीजेपी को नहीं आ रही रास
    फोटो शेयर करें
    एक तरफ महाराष्ट्र में गठबंधन सरकार बनाने की संभावना तलाशने के लिए शिवसेना और बीजेपी में पर्दे के पीछे बात चल रही है तो दूसरी तरफ बीजेपी में एनसीपी के बाहर से समर्थन पर भी मजबूत राय बन रही है। संकेत मिल रहे हैं कि पार्टी में मौजूदा 'मत' को ध्यान में रखते हुए बीजेपी एनसीपी के बाहर से समर्थन के जरिए प्रदेश में सरकार बना सकती है।

    बीजेपी के एक शीर्ष नेता ने बताया, 'इसकी (एक गठबंधन सरकार) कम गुंजाइश नजर आ रही है। बीजेपी में यह मत है कि उसे अकेले ही चलना चाहिए।' पार्टी के प्रदेश से एक सीनियर नेता ने बताया, 'सभी विधायक और जमीनी कार्यकर्ता शिव सेना के साथ गठबंधन करने के खिलाफ हैं। इस बात की अधिक गुंजाइश है कि बीजेपी शिवसेना के बगैर सरकार बनाएगी।'

    उन्होंने बताया कि पार्टी में कई लोग प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी और पार्टी अध्यक्ष अमित शाह पर शिवसेना अध्यक्ष उद्धव ठाकरे सहित इसके नेताओं द्वारा किए गए व्यक्तिगत हमलों को लेकर अभी तक नाराज हैं।

    प्रदेश पार्टी प्रमुख देवेंद्र फड़नवीस और विधान परिषद में विपक्षी नेता विनोद तावड़े सहित बीजेपी के नेताओं के एक धड़े ने सरकार गठन पर चर्चा के लिए प्रधानमंत्री से एयरपोर्ट पर मुलाकात की। मोदी से मुलाकात में क्या हुआ उस बारे में पता नहीं चल पाया है, लेकिन समझा जाता है कि नेताओं ने प्रधानमंत्री को शिव सेना के साथ फिर से गठजोड़ करने पर पार्टी में मौजूद 'नकारात्मक मत' से अवगत कराया।

    हालांकि, बीजेपी के एक केंद्रीय नेता ने कहा कि गठजोड़ को फिर से बहाल करने के बारे में आखिरी फैसला शीर्ष नेतृत्व लेगा। उन्होंने बताया कि पार्टी सरकार बनाने के लिए शिवसेना की कोई शर्त स्वीकार करने के पक्ष में नहीं है।

    ऐसी खबर है कि शिवसेना चाहती है कि दोनों पार्टियां 1995 के फॉर्म्युले का पालन करें जिसके तहत तत्कालीन जूनियर साझेदार बीजेपी को उपमुख्यमंत्री का पद मिला था, लेकिन शिवसेना नेताओं ने ऐसी किसी मांग से इनकार किया है। मोदी के इस शहर में होने के बावजूद उनके और शिवसेना प्रमुख उद्धव ठाकरे के बीच कोई बैठक नहीं हुई।

    रत्नागिरि सिंधुदुर्ग से शिवसेना सांसद विनायक राउत ने ठाकरे के आवास पर उनसे मिलने के बाद कहा, 'प्रधानमंत्री सिर्फ एक हॉस्पिटल का उद्घाटन करने यहां आए थे। ऐसे वक्त में जब प्रधानमंत्री एक सामाजिक उद्देश्य के लिए आए हों, कोई राजनीतिक वार्ता नहीं हो सकती। वार्ता सोमवार से ही शुरू होगी।'

    यह पूछे जाने पर कि अगले हफ्ते दिल्ली में क्या मोदी से ठाकरे का मिलने का कार्यक्रम है, राउत ने इसका नकारात्मक जवाब दिया। राउत ने इस बात की पुष्टि की कि शिवसेना के सभी सांसद एनडीए के सांसदों के लिए रविवार को प्रधानमंत्री की मेजबानी में आयोजित चाय पार्टी में शरीक होंगे।

  2. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Anti-Sena-feelings-run-high-in-BJP/articleshow/44936507.cms

    Anti-Sena feelings run high in BJP
    Ambarish Mishra,TNN | Oct 26, 2014, 04.48 AM IST

    READ MORE NDA|Narendra Modi|MP|Anti-Sena Sentiments|Anti-Sena Feelings Run High In BJP

    Narendra Modi may adopt Varanasi villageSanjjanaa to meet Narendra Modi today?Narendra Modi congratulates CWG medal winnersNarendra Modi wishes Lata Mangeshkar on birthdayNarendra Modi sweeps colony where Bapu camped

    MUMBAI: Anti-Sena sentiments continued to run high in the BJP on Saturday, with Uddhav Thackeray's decision to keep away from Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Mumbai function lending credence to talks of the yet-to-be-bridged Sena-BJP gulf.

    The Sena president would also not be attending Modi's high tea in New Delhi, sources said, though the Sena sought to play down its significance. "There is nothing controversial about it. The high tea is meant for NDA MPs and not party chiefs," said a Sena MP. Some Sena MPs wouldn't be able to participate in the PM's event because of prior engagements, he added.

    Neither party, however, appeared closer to a final decision on the constitution of the government. A section in the Maharashtra BJP is of the view that keeping the Sena out of the government could be a risky proposition for the BJP, given the Sena's 63-strong presence in the state assembly.

    "As the principal opposition party, the Sena may make matters difficult for the BJP government on the floor of the house. Furthermore, an aggressive Sena could re-boot itself as a regional force. This could mean trouble for the BJP in Mumbai where civic polls are scheduled for 2017," said a senior BJP MLA from Mumbai.

    But, despite this realisation of the threat from a potentially aggressive opposition, anti-Sena feelings continued to pervade the state unit. "The party already has 138 MLAs on its side, including several Independents," said a senior BJP functionary, adding that the Sena's aggressive stance towards the BJP in the run-up to the polls and the declaration of results was to blame for the attitude within his party.

    The newly-elected BJP MLAs are likely to meet in Mumbai on October 27 to elect the legislature party leader. The new leader will be sworn in on October 29 or 30. Five to six ministers may be sworn in along with the chief minister. The state BJP leadership has short-listed the names of Mumbai legislators as members of the new cabinet. The list includes Vinod Tawde, Prakash Mehta and Ashish Shelar. Manisha Chowdhari, who snatched the Dahisar assembly seat from Sena veteran Vinod Ghosalkar, is likely to get a berth in the state cabinet.

    Pankaja Munde and Vishnu Savra, who has won his sixth consecutive term as MLA, will be sworn in too, say sources.

    Chandrakant Patil, who represents the Pune graduates' constituency in the state legislative council, will be the next president of the Maharashtra BJP.

    The soft-spoken MLC is believed to have played a key role in consolidating the party in western Maharashtra. He is also seen as the BJP's chief negotiator with the Sena. Patil is said to be one of the close confidantes of BJP national president Amit Shah.


  3. शीवसीनाके बाल ठाकरे ओर बालठाकरेके परीवारजनोने भाजपा ओर नेतओंका जो अपमान कीया है उसका बदला बरोबर होगा. अपमानीत होनेसे पहले बाल ठाकरे ओर परीवारजनोंको सोचना चाईये था की बुरे दीन आयेंगे तो क्या या कैसा रुख अपनानेका... बाल ठाकरेका पुरा परीवार अब भयंकर अपमान सहन कर रहा है. लगता है दीपावलीके बच्चे खुच्चे फटाके कुत्तेकी पुछमें बांधकर भाजपा वाले दीपावली फीरसे मनयेंगे..

  4. MUMBAI/NEW DELHI: The Shiv Sena, already mellowed by the BJP's resolve not to allow it to call the shots on government formation in Maharashtra, appeared to bend on Monday. But not nearly enough, according to the BJP's bigwigs. There is still a gap between what the Sena wants and what the BJP is willing to concede, sources said.

    After having taunted the BJP and even the Prime Minister, the Sena mouthpiece Saamna on Monday credited the BJP's win in the polls to Narendra Modi and BJP chief Amit Shah, said it was good that the party had "rooted out the corrupt Cong-NCP" and said the Sena was willing to support any party which would take the "chariot of Maharashtra" ahead (on the path of progress).

    Sena leaders Subhash Desai and Anil Desai on Monday held talks with BJP leader and Union minister Dharmendra Pradhan in New Delhi in a clear indication that Matoshree was ready to join the BJP government. The Sena duo is also believed to have met Union home minister Rajnath Singh.

    However, Matoshree is still angling for deputy CMship and the assembly speaker's post and has set its sights on the key home portfolio as well. This is at variance with what the BJP feels it can give. The BJP, which now considers itself the senior partner in the combine, is clear that the Sena should extend support without any conditionalities, sources said.

    It is in any case unlikely that any Sena ministers will take oath on Friday, October 31, the day the chief minister and other top ministers will be sworn in at the Wankhede stadium, sources said. Even if the BJP-Sena clinch an agreement, the Sena appointees could be sworn in later.

    While the Desais were closeted with Pradhan, state BJP leader Vinod Tawde is said to have spoken with Amit Shah on the pros and cons of the Sena's and NCP's support to BJP. The NCP has extended unconditional support.


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